
Water Will

by Alison McKenzie

The sand knows no more
About my aches
Than the litany of plastic
Showing up on all the diligent shores.

I heard another poet say
The Water knows.

It is wet here,
Wet enough to stand in for
The nuance of any tear.

And I stand

Absorbing this ocean aria,
This way of transitioning
From wet to river to cloud
To earth and around it goes,
Into my hair,
Onto my skin and
Into my blood
Until my walkingsoul
Squishes with every step.

In a pinch
Water will
Spill what it knows –

Until then,
I will stand


Posted on 01/09/2011
Copyright © 2024 Alison McKenzie

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Gabriel Ricard on 01/09/11 at 01:50 PM

Almost sounds like a zombie movie. It's wonderful at any rate.

Posted by George Hoerner on 01/09/11 at 03:48 PM

I believe the cosmos knows both more and less than we give it credit from the farthest star to the closest grain of sand or the deepest ocean current. And it all means something different to each of us. Nice write lady.

Posted by Charlie Morgan on 01/10/11 at 01:41 AM

...ali, your description of a tear vis a vis the ocean...is totally full of awe. as am i. nuance so "see-able" [no pun intended]. i'll drink with ya, if invited.

Posted by Adam Dyson on 01/13/11 at 05:58 PM

I keep coming back to this one, marvelling at the power of the words to actually make me feel the humidity in my lungs. I swear I smell the damp of it.

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