Perseus Summer

by Steven Craig

was this character
that arced up over the trees
in the late summer evenings,
carrying a crown of stars,
clustered in the deep of space
that teased me to look for them,
count them,
see the colors
watch for something significant.
At his finger tips,
the little stars would be waiting
it gave me a rather nice feeling
to find them there again each night.

as you may like to say,
was his companion,
for Perseus
desired only to love her,
touch her with his shield,
protect her from the clouds
that would obscure her heart.

And her heart,
that giving heart,
he found there beat
a billion stars,
swirling and flashing
in a cloud,
a nebula that promised
that in a few more million years,
she would even then still seek his touch.

Perseus and AnnDromeda
they were well aware
that dangers haunted their existance,
for close at hand,
Drago Dragodravich
the dragon of greed
and lust
was always lurking,
attempting to encircle this woman,
and devour her heart,
for it alone
was the infinity
of lust
and the love
that the dragon
had never felt,
but always craved.

The dragons red eye
only sought to see
the need for AnnDromeda,
her radiant curls
caressing the solar winds,
but remaining beyond reach.
I would watch
as the dragons eye
would flair
and vanish,
week after week,
month after month,
year after year,
slowing curling,
but held at bay
while gripped in the tempest
of its gripping black sea.

Each night,
the drama still continues,
now hidden
by the street lamps glare.
People around me
will grow old
and die
weary of their lives,
never see
this beautiful drama relived
in the now dulled skies
above their head.

But from certain places,
on the darkest nights
of summer,
all can still be seen.
The milky way
it will cast your shadows
on a Utah desert pavement,
the jack rabbits keeping company
in the brush,
the silent owl
swooping by
eyes aglow
that with the rising of Pereus,
the story continues anew.


Posted on 01/01/2011
Copyright © 2024 Steven Craig

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