
12-11-10 (Feels like tiptoeing to Yesterday)

by Alison McKenzie

Step-back day,
The enigma,
The cryptogram
With the answer key displayed
Before the page turns to puzzle.

I am inside a glass,
Muffled voices call ,
Too far away now,

Paralyzed in the icy current,
I am carried by the overpowering momentum
Toward the swallows,
Stripped of my attachments,
Those garments designed
To define me by role.

Gauging the distance,
I will use this day
To bridge the past to tomorrow,
Breathing above the crest
Just until a new Sun sings.


Posted on 12/11/2010
Copyright © 2024 Alison McKenzie

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Adam Dyson on 12/11/10 at 02:19 PM

Such an overwhelming place to be. Much respect for finding the words when many would be lost in the drowning. Love the last stanza especially.

Posted by Ken Harnisch on 12/11/10 at 10:15 PM

I agree with Adam. The uplift in the last stanza, Alison, is redeeming and hopeful.

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