Lotus Blooms by James ZealyWhen the Nightshade made its deadly call
And erased a life at 33
Amid the angry cries of a tormented soul
A forget-me-not flowered blue scenes
It seemed forgotten in tears of injustice
As angry epithets spewed
Awaiting the winter solstice caress
Of numbing placebos time tunes
There the small blue flowers called
Forget-me-not they chant
He grows barely noticed around her soul's parlor
Whispering memories of thoughts implanted
Forget-me-not memories saved of wisdom
Sent amid a boundless spirit uncontained
He is here always here as his scent looms
Soothing and caressing her spiritual pain
A timeless specter reborn consumes
Her helpless dispair flight
Growing pure as the lotus blooms
Flowering towards his perpetual light
He forgot-me-not she smiles again
Light blue blooms forever seen
Along her unconscious heart refrain
Cast deep from her eyes of green 11/18/2010
Author's Note: I modified this a little, I think its some better and clearer.
Posted on 11/18/2010 Copyright © 2024 James Zealy