Peace. Love. Happiness. Memories by Rebecca BowenPray for your family.
Pray for your friends.
So many people have lost faith.
Oh, aren't we so late?
People judge before they know.
But that's so wrong.
I look different than I act.
And please don't judge me by my family.
Even if it's the last thing I do,
I don't want to end up like the rest,
Bloodshot eyes and life a mess.
I'm told this and told that,
But I'm not going to be told who I am.
I'm Rebecca Marie Bowen.
Mixed with almost everything under the sun.
And now 14 years of age,
A softball player,
But most of all,
I'm human.
I breathe air,
And I have a heart that pumps blood through my body.
I feel all emotions thrown at me.
I know I'm seen as a little girl,
But I'm almost grown.
Accept me for who I am.
Your neice, cousin,
Your granddaughter or sister,
Maybe your best friend,
But most of all,
Acknowledge that I'm human,
And stop hiding everything.
11/04/2010 Posted on 11/04/2010 Copyright © 2024 Rebecca Bowen