

by Alison McKenzie

Another page, wrinkled and rusted,
Ready to turn, ready to let go,
Floats on the bluster of autumn,
Prepares to crisp and crumble
For the sake of another winter.

It always feels like an ending,
These churning cycles that
Threaten to stop all forward motion,
Certain that writing one more chapter
Is simply too much hope to bear.

But just one warm breath
From an otherwise unexpected direction
Brings green back into the equation,
And she is ready to live again;
Simpler, with more clarity,
Fewer complications,
More joy.

“So,” she says, “Let the snows fall
Through the sweet slumber of renewal,
For I will wake in abundance,
Fields of blossoms, fragrant
In the sustenance of faith, balance,
And all things, as they are meant to be.”


Posted on 10/30/2010
Copyright © 2024 Alison McKenzie

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Timothy Wilson on 01/11/11 at 06:48 AM

I really liked this. it has a cool flow to it, like when I read it, it kind of sounded like it had an older and classy feeling to the way it was meant to be read and taken. I could be wrong but either way. it's cool. you are a talented writer. :)

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