
Very Soon

by Alison McKenzie

My life is slim,
A thin line between realities,
A single puff of smoke in the wind,

I am not my life.

For one thing,
I am fat.

I am also not my body.

And since I am currently
Not connected to much more than
My life or my body,
I’d like to ask
The Powers that Be
For an upgrade, please;
Some place where I can
Stretch my legs,
Drink some complimentary champagne,
And arrive before the rush.

Things will smooth out, I’m sure
My soul will dance very soon –
Yes, very soon.


Posted on 10/27/2010
Copyright © 2024 Alison McKenzie

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Colleen Sperry on 10/27/10 at 02:44 PM

interesting concept you crafted here

Posted by Gabriel Ricard on 10/27/10 at 03:34 PM

That fifth stanza is just brutal, stunning work. Amazing write.

Posted by Charlie Morgan on 10/27/10 at 03:55 PM

...ali, "thin line between realities"...i, too love your visions, saying the unsayable. touche!

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