
The Fleece

by Alison McKenzie

I’ve opened an alternate reality
It’s just me and my dog now,
The ringing in my ears,
And the dead of this moment.

I silently marvel
That the juxtaposition of dog
Is God.

I don’t feel connected to anything
Well, maybe I do to my dog.
I snatched him back
From his near death experience.

But I can't be sure.

Nothing feels real anymore
And I wonder if
I’ve had some sort of breakdown.

I feel a little like Alice -
I want to see how far down
The Rabbit Hole really is.

The ring on my finger is connected
To the man who gently snores nearby
While I write to make some sense of it.

I know that maya is only illusion,
That I’m caught in the web.
I swear I don’t know how to get unstuck.

I have nine paths before me,
None of them right.
Anyway, most of them won’t let me keep my dog.

And this becomes the fleece.


Author's Note: Just waiting for answers.

Posted on 10/25/2010
Copyright © 2024 Alison McKenzie

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by June Labyzon on 10/26/10 at 03:53 PM

The ring on my finger is connected To the man who gently snores nearby While I write to make some sense of it. Love this verse, know the feeling!!!!

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