Teddybears lampshades and questionmarks by Andrea ColtonHaven't you ever seen
a leaning lampshade?
fallen still and fallen
stuck? He was here only
to rock you off your naked
soap-box feet,
who when crashed upon an
un-earthy smelling carpet stain,
seemed to cry out from scrubbed-up bristles
And Now It's Time.
I, personally,
prefer me shaken,
never stirred. Colors will atomize
from all perepheral taunters
if you give them too much love so
much better to leave the mixing
up of oneself, to a finer unqualifed science book
than you could ever be.
Wet threw and through
a blanketed shiver caught in an absent eye
filled your pupil up with red
and turned everything to Nazi haze.
Hush, hush, step and
step and
Blacken, burn, crumble me up.
Gobble, gobble,
fuck and fuck...
Well, you finally found me out.
in the attic all unwrapped
in dust bunnies and packaging string
Please won't you stay
lay your neck skin between bowls of glass
I'll holler the children
to jump rope alongside
(in spite) of you
-Your Cheeks Ate Your Jowls Ate Your Tongue Ate Your Throat
in fact or fiction
we'll see how long you last.
You tore me into bits of paper
and scattered me longing
in an unflinching current. Oh,
to be sog
to have canyons gorged out of me
for your postcard love notes.
I never had the chance to poison the ink
incoherently smudged on the half left side of your arm...
Mourn not the passing infant cry
-unheard mothers who push
their babies in collapsing thorn bushes...
I'll watermark you all
inept, and hope
woven scotch-guard teddy bears
find their way to the nearest exit.
And what of me will have ever been?
10/13/2010 Posted on 10/13/2010 Copyright © 2025 Andrea Colton