

by Laura Doom

I have an idea
though not exactly new;
it's all been said before
done to death, resurrected, but still
demanding to be aired, hung out
on a fine line to give the neighbours
dirty laundry worthy
of a shrug, perhaps an eyebrow raised,
or just the old, familiar shoulder
packing ice and moving well away.

I have a voice
a pitch for markets trading
guilt-edged insecurities,
stock phrases in volume
and shared expedience.

An eye for an I, a nose
for filth, a deafness
not so profound that it muffles
my instinct to follow the herd.

In brief, I'm fresh
out of seminal ways
in which to dress
material beyond the stale:
load machine
default programme
rinse and spin
don't want the fabric stretched
or colours running wild.

Highs and lows, agitation
tumble dies, anticipation;
now my head is swimming
like a metaphor on acid
egocentrifugal forces crushing
misconception's bastard child
until its blood is drained;
plug pulled, pieces drop
into line, the cycle is complete.
Appliance of science in strokes
of artistic genius. All that remains
is to watch paint dry.


Complete wash-out. What else can I use
to splice up this monologue...

OMG! A blender -- now we're talking.
Character assassination.
Where's that copy of the Qur'an?


Doomed Enterprises Presents

Heh, Lobby Lite

No, surely that can't be right?
A shame -- I was so looking forward
to a pastoral barbecue.
Still, a cold platter beats the hell
out of a movable feast, I guess.
And food for thought
to be preserved -- pass me that disc,
I think I'll burn a copy.


Posted on 09/11/2010
Copyright © 2024 Laura Doom

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Joe Cramer on 09/12/10 at 05:02 PM

... outstanding.....

Posted by Ulyss Rubey on 09/12/10 at 09:21 PM

What you do certainly has not been done to death. Don't stop. You can hang your laundry on my line any time. ;)

Posted by Charlie Morgan on 09/13/10 at 11:25 PM

...laura, you will never cease to amaze me et al. with your skill to wearout the language in such a wonderous way. touche! touche!

Posted by Richard Vince on 09/14/10 at 06:39 PM

vintage Doom. :) marvellous stuff.

Posted by Anita Mac on 09/16/10 at 03:31 AM

I feel like I just read your inner monologue as sanity slipped out from beneath you. And I found it extraordinarily entertaining. You should go bonkers more often; I'm a fan.

Posted by Morgan D Hafele on 09/21/10 at 07:48 PM

stale? this is anything but! and like anita said, go bonkers more often, it's a lot of fun.

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