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by Jeffrey Parren

while sitting and thinking
I daydream
of opening the windows
of my apartment

I don't like

and take all the things

I think I need

the things I store
in this apartment

and toss them
out of the window
crashing to the ground

leaving me
to laying on the hard wood
and figuring life out

like a newborn baby
without any knowledge
to hold onto.

Maybe then
I'll fucking get it


Posted on 09/06/2010
Copyright © 2024 Jeffrey Parren

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Charlie Morgan on 09/06/10 at 05:55 PM

...@#&%#$* -A ...then take one more run up the LIFELADDER.

Posted by Joe Cramer on 09/06/10 at 10:12 PM

... outstanding.....

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