
Inward Ho

by Alison McKenzie

Red flags flap,
Winds of change blowing me along.

Where does peace ride
That this heart should not find a place
Among the infinite possibilities?

Faith whispers at my door,
Asking only for bread,
And just a sip.

Oh, the journey speaks in moments,
Always discovering a new “now”,
Fascination teasing me forward,
Little hints peeking through tired filters,
Glints of quartz and amethyst,
The simpleton’s diamonds
Cut by physics and magic.
(Yes, I said magic).

So I petition the gods of favor,
“Help me seek the one true love.”

A far away voice reaches forward,
Through the mysts of thyme,
Fragrant, alluring,
Relentless haunt of a universal
Cry to remember,

The path leads in.


Posted on 08/18/2010
Copyright © 2024 Alison McKenzie

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Charlie Morgan on 08/18/10 at 11:51 AM

...ali, you knocked me over with this one. i had my viscera stretched to the limit[of not breaking!], you have touched the ceiling. and i shake with agreement; the inner is a scary place. i's there once...annnd got used to it. it's really lovely, i just had to focus, and you have good eyes. this post just drips with real. wisdom hangs.

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