
Love and Moments

by Alison McKenzie

These ringless fingers
Reach deep into the well of souls
To pull up the solid foundation of self
Handling with marvel
The iridescent structure,
Reflection of gods and ghosts
And all things divine,
Made no less magnificent
By time, solidity or mortality.

In a series of rooms defined by
Unwitting detentions,
Caring for her forces me
To find my stride and determination
To make of this life
A difference,
Weaving with ringless fingers
A lattice-work of love and moments,
Despite the intermittent interference
Of those possessing lessor intentions.

At all times,
The preservation of kindness
Her heart of generations
Embraced by great esteem and respect
By the likes of these
Ringless fingers.


Author's Note: For my grandmother, Yvonne, affectionately known to us as "Meme." A reflection born of manning this stationery post alone and lacking definite assurances about where I go after this. She is 90 and, bless her, relatively well all things considered.

Posted on 07/21/2010
Copyright © 2024 Alison McKenzie

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Ken Harnisch on 07/21/10 at 04:04 AM

A wonderful tribute, Alison..."Caring for her forces me/To find my stride and determination/ To make of this life A difference," Stirring lines that to me center this poem and give it its grace and specific gravity

Posted by Adam Dyson on 07/21/10 at 10:47 AM

Beautifully honest, and reflective of the great value of your love, despite what it costs you.

Posted by Charlie Morgan on 07/21/10 at 12:19 PM

...ali, this was stop/staggering; after a couple words i stopped, and then staggered thru the rest, made me punch-drunk from it's stoutness. gawd i love those ringless fingers...you are a doll of life; i envy your ringless fingers...they type words like this.

Posted by Laurie Blum on 07/21/10 at 12:45 PM

Alison! The first stanza just reached out and shook my soul! That is very strong stuff. You authors note put this all in perspective too. We often need to be reminded of what is truely essential in this mortal life. Thank you.

Posted by George Hoerner on 07/21/10 at 12:52 PM

An excellent write Alison. It may well be one of your best as it covers all the bases. A nice job well done and good luck with your 'meme'!

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