
by Linda Fuller

Your zoological aspirations, bromeliad –
cameldom, dromedaryship –
extravagant, farcical gimmickry.
How incredibly juvenile, kindergartenish:
loving mammalian nomenclature
over plantae qualification;
ruminating, single-humped
tobacco-tainted ungulate
versus wisteria.


Author's Note: Yet another Abecedarian. Per Wiki, "A xerophyte or xerophytic organism (xero meaning dry, phyte meaning plant) is a plant which is able to survive in an environment with little available water or moisture..." Bromeliads are xerophytes; wisteria is not a xerophyte, but I liked it better than Wittrockia or Werauhia (types of bromeliads).

Posted on 07/02/2010
Copyright © 2024 Linda Fuller

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Ken Harnisch on 07/02/10 at 03:10 PM

thanks to you Linda, my interest in xerophytes has now been "rooted."..:)

Posted by Charlie Morgan on 07/02/10 at 05:39 PM

...linda, the words are one thing, hands clapping, annnnnd the loveable placement of said words gave it such a glide... loved the turn at juvenile kindergartenish. way cool.

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