
Rescue Attempt One - Bleeding

by Alison McKenzie

Peel me away
Until I bleed
Thick and tar
And fouler
Than any baby
Dead decades
Of rotted flesh.

And when you’ve taken a bite,
Spit it into that dust
Putrid in my own waste
Where not even grief lives,
And nothing grows,
And tears do not cleanse
Nor light
To chase the demons.

For this is where I begin.


Posted on 06/27/2010
Copyright © 2024 Alison McKenzie

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Therese Elaine on 06/27/10 at 05:24 AM

In the beginning there was vengeance, and there was beauty -terrible, terrifying and tormented at the core of her being. In the beginning there was woman...and the world should be afraid of the wounds she bears...

Posted by Charlie Morgan on 06/27/10 at 04:27 PM

...uhhhhm gulp. uhhhh.

Posted by Morgan D Hafele on 06/28/10 at 08:09 PM

what a place to start, i really dig the imagery in this.

Posted by Joe Cramer on 06/29/10 at 12:54 AM

... quite harsh in its simplicity.....

Posted by Adam Dyson on 06/30/10 at 07:19 AM

Full circle to the darkest of innocent beginnings, to begin again. Armed. Shining. No longer fearful of the pain, this time the darkness will flee and hide, terrified and powerless, from you.

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