I am not the Wind by Alison McKenzieIt occurred to me today –
The wind must like the sound of its own voice
Blowing through the tight weave
Of metallic threads in a window screen.
Or maybe,
The wind isn’t conscious of itself at all,
Simply moving through space
Without any particular inclination or intention,
Moved about by some
Universal whim not of its own accord.
I know, it doesn’t make sense -
My ego can’t get its mind
Wrapped around the idea at all.
Still, I feel the caress
And allow it to comfort –
The curtains dancing, too,
In the primal rhythm -
Even when other music plays.
You must understand, the wind
Consoles without discrimination or bias,
Is not particularly persuaded by
Beauty nor beast,
Youth or age,
Failing organs or death.
It does not seem to grieve or rejoice,
And cannot be held suspect in the fray.
The wind offers solace
In unpredictable yet generous measure,
Soothing furrowed brows at any level of
As sentimental as the idea was at first,
I am not the wind afterall.
05/25/2010 Posted on 05/26/2010 Copyright © 2024 Alison McKenzie
Member Comments on this Poem |
Posted by Charlie Morgan on 05/26/10 at 07:11 PM ...ali, a stupendous write...i bow to how, just for a second's second held the wind so we could see a lot of what it is and what it isn't...strikingly. |
Posted by Mary Frances Spencer on 05/27/10 at 05:36 AM Lovely!!! Namaste MFS |
Posted by Max Bouillet on 05/27/10 at 01:26 PM I would like to drop all my luggage and be the wind. You have redefined my idea of the wind. This is a verse that teaches us how to be human by using something that we can all relate to. Thank you for this. |
Posted by Therese Elaine on 05/28/10 at 05:16 PM Ahhh Alison...lovely -though sometimes we wish to be the metaphoric or symbolic representation of a force of nature or beautiful occurrence, many times we are unsuited to it's demands -and it can't keep up with us. One of my favourites that you've ever done!!! |
Posted by Ken Harnisch on 06/03/10 at 02:17 PM The wind doesn't have the verve of the poetess, either...despite her self-perceived human shortcomings. An excellent poem, call it a non-analogous analogy...and let the freshest breezes blow through its lovely words! |