It's not what you think by Megan GuimbellotWhen you are sleeping in the morning light
your skin is covered in a thin layer of sweat,
your mouth is half open to let escape a series of sleep-depriving snores//by this time you've usually chased me to the farthest reaches of our king sized bed and I am in serious danger of slipping from the satin sheets into the the abyss between the wall and bed, and being swallowed by the mess of discarded blankets and missing socks on the floor below///I'm usually covered by a stray arm, heavy leg, or hand across my chest or face, so I can no longer breathe.
But when I wake, moments before suffocation takes hold, I think of how lucky I am to spend my nights in your bed. 05/15/2010 Author's Note: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Posted on 05/16/2010 Copyright © 2025 Megan Guimbellot