Depth by Richard VinceSomewhere in the depth of
My memory, there is a small,
Blonde girl with a fringe and
A serious overbite. She was
A friend of a friend; a fellow
Traveller; a fellow sufferer.
Somewhere on the other side
Of this room, there is a tall,
Mournful looking young woman,
Wearing a dress that should
Make her smile, and a scarf indoors.
Have enough years really passed
For them to be the same person?
The girl I vaguely remember was
A much needed friend and
Confidante to our mutual friend.
I hope she is happier than the
Bitter, joyless, old young woman
That reminded me of her,
Just as I hope that the woman
Is happier than she seems.
01/22/2010 Posted on 05/07/2010 Copyright © 2025 Richard Vince
Member Comments on this Poem |
Posted by Coleman Demiurge on 06/13/10 at 09:40 PM Your character studies of random, or not-so-random, individuals are top-notch. The ability to see that much beyond what is on the surface is rare, and to be able to put it into words so eloquently is near extinction... Very nicely done. |