

by Alison McKenzie

I close my eyes
And you are there –
You with your fears
And your suffering
And your healing –
You with your magic,
And your wings,
That unfurl, wrap in protection,
The fire that melts me –
Your tears, and
Your breath.

We are, none of us, perfect
But you,
Tracing the path of your anxieties
Until the floor has worn away
And you sense the falling.

While I stand quietly by,
Waiting for your wings to rez again,
My love an unforeseen constant,
An unresolved variable in the equation,
Just one expression, lingering
Between the plus and minus.

I close my eyes,
And we are synced,
You and I,
One being floating through time
Across oceans and moonbeams,
I wait for you to come.


Author's Note: the journey is gorgeous and honorable

Posted on 04/30/2010
Copyright © 2024 Alison McKenzie

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Adam Dyson on 04/30/10 at 07:03 AM

I need better words than thank you.

Posted by Charlie Morgan on 04/30/10 at 04:17 PM

...on a balance-beam of enlightenment to your self, i love the words, each word...each, i join in your celebration...

Posted by Julie Adams on 04/30/10 at 05:34 PM

this piece is captivating...images and ideas abound, and I love the free flow of it...kudos poet, a pleasure, ~jewels xo

Posted by Gabriel Ricard on 05/01/10 at 01:58 PM

This poem is pretty gorgeous, too.

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