On Becoming, my darkness by Jayme L HelmickYou are just like him
And I am crimson once more
The wounded healer
Wounded again
and yet again
So where does it end?
When does the healer
Gain control
Bend the will
Slay the dragons
To Master the pain
And become a Lady
Dark and powerful in
her own right
The storm blows by
Singing in my veins
The wind through the leaves
reminding me
to listen
Heartbeats in the sky
Echo my drum
Each flash a scar
to be healed
and filled
Divinity rages within me
As I feel what I am to become
More powerful than they
can know
She speaks to me
I am hers
And I know I have a choice to make
though it's an easy one
The storm does not terrify
It is in me
And the wounded healer
Will find a new name
The wolf rides by my side
And she knows
It is enough. 04/26/2010 Posted on 04/26/2010 Copyright © 2025 Jayme L Helmick
Member Comments on this Poem |
Posted by Alison McKenzie on 11/02/10 at 11:55 AM I found it a little challenging to pick out "the voice" in this poem. Still, there is a powerful transition described here. Also, the mention of the wolf rings a very personal bell for me. The dragons, once mastered, are often guarding gifts. |