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Of Oceans, Like Glass

by Megan Guimbellot

I have a dire need
a persistant, pounding desire
to run as fast as I can
and feel the pure white
shifting beneath my feet.

It rises inside of me until I can hardly breathe.

I want to keep my eyes open
to see the blue
until white foam curls around my ankles and
I can stretch my arms above my head
close my eyes
and feel
as I break the shimmering, glass surface of the waves,
throwing spray
like diamonds into the sunlight.
Submerge myself in salt and sand
Push against the pull of the tide
Feel the deep water, the undertow and ocean swells
I need it to seep into my pores and cling to my hair
To sink into me and stay with me, in a way less tangible.

I need it,
I do.


Author's Note: The need is pulling at me so hard these days, I feel like at any moment I could just snap and go running pell-mell for the nearest coast....

Posted on 04/22/2010
Copyright © 2025 Megan Guimbellot

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by George Hoerner on 04/22/10 at 08:11 PM

Very fine write lady and you are nearer the Gulf but I leave Tuesday morning for few days in the St Augustine area so ha - ha. But the hot days of summer are nearly upon us and I'd love to back in Wyoming and the Teton mountains. Again good write.

Posted by Julie Adams on 04/25/10 at 04:26 PM

I love this piece, such desire encased in each beautiful line...so many lines I really loved too, such as: "as I break the shimmering, glass surface of the waves,/ throwing spray/ like diamonds into the sunlight." --just amazing pointed imagery here, and throughout...a pleasure to read you again, so happy to have you on my friends list, to see when you have new works posted...peace n poems to u, jewels xo

Posted by Richard Vince on 06/28/14 at 10:06 PM

oh, lovely. so evocative. yet another of your poems that transports me to wherever you wanted to be when you wrote it.

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