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Just A Girl Talking to A Guy

by James Zealy

No special lines
No verbal chess moves
Just a girl talking to a guy

Its a simple and elegant dance
Of conversant adjectives intersecting
Its a girl puzzling about a guy

Animated gestation of ideas
Tease and stimulate spheres of intellect
That ignites interest of a girl for this guy

Verbal point counter point that enlightens
Intensity of emotional connection
Is this guy for this girl?

Gentle relaxed intensity that builds
Amid weakening defensive posture
What does this guy want from this girl?

Sincerity of purpose
Sells a winter thaw
So this girl can believe this guy

Amid the uncertainty
Two souls immesh
And forget its a girl and a guy

They find a fit
Of interests and intellect
And co join spirits of a girl and her guy

Once the union of hearts
Celebrates the union of being
She is his girl he is her guy

Telling stories that beget
Experiences of life games
Fought and won together

Torrid emotional angst
Spilled in button pushing
Wars sullying respect

Forgiveness amid sins of the two
Portray a sense of weaknesses understood
As this girl understands this guy

Conflicted stubborn and proud
They understand each fits
And complements what each lacks

A waltz that appears
Deceptively effortless
Is choreographed together

By this girl and that guy


Author's Note: I flipped the roles here, for the distinct purpose of portraying the dance of relationships. Any gender could apply, it could be gay or straight, the dance is similar. I believe all people, once they peal away all their defenses and predispositions, look for their natural fit. You cant do that without talking and really discovering who the person is. Obviously physical attraction has to be there, but that core of people discovering each other, and following their instincts for who complements them, in good and bad times is what makes people talking to each other so special.

Posted on 04/17/2010
Copyright © 2024 James Zealy

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