Moon Rises by Alison McKenzieMoon rises over the fence,
Over the horizon,
Over the mountains,
Into the ethers she flies,
Sailing into the black of night
And scouring away the shadows -
Moon shadows, which are
Sulkier than those that chase the Sun,
Loftier than the shooting stars,
Prouder than the oceans,
More serious than any twinkle -
Reign tender.
Orion’s belt is enormous, larger
Than I ever could have imagined,
His arrow ready to pierce
Some unsuspecting foe
Light years away, waiting.
I am a microspeck,
Nothing in a world of everything,
Small though stout,
Nearly invisible to yon naked eye,
Though larger than life in proximity,
I wander through the paradigms,
Leaving a print that will disappear
In the Milky Way’s next exhale
While the Moon rises over the fence…
03/16/2010 Posted on 03/16/2010 Copyright © 2024 Alison McKenzie