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Self Portrait

by Curtis Sethaler

Look at my eyes, teeth make be crooked, just slightly.
My sickly pale skin holds me in.
Rotting, in my head....Thoughts.......of you.
Stale now........not so fresh...not so new.
The look on my face.
You have seen it before. A thousand times.....
I'm just here , cracking....dried out inside...lacking..
Moisture and warmth...cold
Cold, cold to the touch
Frozen....perhaps not.
Is this over yet? Good
I wanted more anyway.
I need to feel this nothing, to feel like me.
Do you want this? Take it! I want it no more.
TAKE IT NOW! then....
Take comfort in knowing ....
That you alone ....
What this means.....


Posted on 03/02/2010
Copyright © 2024 Curtis Sethaler

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