Enrapturement by Michael DefriesEnrapturement; This is not love
It is not the enrapturement of
being in love, or falling in love.
Somehow it is more, it is beyond
What's considered to be in love.
Its permanence is solar like all
Of the galaxies of the universe.
Its grasp is that of the the sun
Waving gravity the direction of
Planetoids lost in the oblivion.
It's the atom moving in infinite,
Quantifying materials into relative
Fever passing through the nucleus
But always there.
Birds peaked on perched nests cradled,
Waiting for early dawn over mountains
As the song of the hummingbird wings
Is the searching for constant nectar.
All the angels voices heard by choirs
As harps string and bows slide 'cross,
Resounding verse like first emanation.
The way sky never falls in serene and
The quiet of the forest floor. This is
Enrapturement; This is not love.
01/23/2010 Posted on 01/23/2010 Copyright © 2024 Michael Defries