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Dreams of Reality

by Michael Defries

Dreams of reality
Bridging the unknown
Realm of truths and vitality
Of life pours forth

Through the chalice of wisdom’s
Brought to you by our sponsors

Welcome back to oblivion
Challenge comes finally
Filled with doughnut cream
Jellyroll doughnut soul

Welcome back from afar
A journey here and there to
Near places and Saturn’s rings
Like Jupiter, and Mars, and Venus

But here we stop on planet Earth
Or is it planet Gaia
Or are we human
Or Earthens

You decide
You go ahead and decide
What you want to call it
What you deem it to be

You need a ride to the teleport?
Transformation platform to infinity
And before you ride
You must

Have dreams of reality
Dream of reality
Exacting words mark this moment
Dreams of reality

Playful song of wisdom march
Ing forth with brushed steel
Carbon dioxide jeans with diesel fuel
Pouring forth from oblivion dreams.

Elephants walk the planet
To dream of us humans
Finding the realm of humanity
And sanctity.

Elephants watch from above as
Ganesh brings tidal waves into
The open space Ganesh deems

What we deem reality
We are what we deem actuality
We see through the eyes of the

Great Elephant in the sky
Magnificent Deity Wonder Sky God
Creator and watcher of nice people,

Watching, waiting
Bridging time with experience
And following its bliss
To see extinction of us humans

One day to be placed in the
Grand museum of old.

The new bridge to the old new
The time capsule that once
Was our wisdom era mentality
Of reality and reality tv.

Dreams of what once was
A walk on the beach
A cool summer breeze
Touching the skin of a loved one

Feeling the laughter in your belly
Crying at the dead roses fallen

Watching a balloon float away
Seeing a child for the first time
Breathing and exhaling
with confidence

Snow on the tip of your tongue
Snow on the mountain top
Water flowing from
The mountain spring

Eating some candy canes
Each holiday.

Latkes for Passover
Flower ceremonies in the sky
Dreams of Reality

Brushing up against a secret love
Finding yourself repeating each day
Stopping to smell the roses
Rain on your hair

Rain drops falling from the ground
To the sky filled with
Shapes and clouds

Find time today to live
Find time today to die

Dream of reality
And have
Dreams of Reality!


Posted on 01/15/2010
Copyright © 2024 Michael Defries

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