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Your Eyes

by Michael Defries

Part I:

I looked into your eyes
As they gazed upon me.
I felt you touch me with your thoughts
Your powerful embrace.

They peered upon me and with grace
Grace, and embrace.
I felt you in me as I gazed in approach
To disengage your intrusion.

They penetrated with brilliance, and furthermore
Created me illusion of being home.
I felt them as you sensed my inner child
As I arose, to stand about, in statued pose.

If ever did you know me now
You shall have insight into my soul's journey.
They shall know me and I have found safety
In your stare.

For whenever you look into my eyes
I also feel me in you
I melt away in your abyss
I lose advantage

I fall deeper, and deeper
I lose all together, my sense

I know only comfort
I know only pain
I am innocence
I am free.

I fall in love with the darkness, in which
I cannot see
With my eyes
With my eyes

I find my faith for love
I see it in me
Through your eyes
I see myself.

Part II:

Your eyes, vast as the sea
with the power that creates every wave
An embodiment of, and between trust
Trust, and great presence

An imagination behind unlocked doors
Eyes that paint landscapes
Of forever, and now
Giving me the sense of fulfillment.

Powerful, and with brilliant embrace
They radiate serenity, and chaotic disillusion
Oh! with embrace, are they powerful
Bringing me to realize simplicity, and understanding

They are with omniscience, and structure
unlock my soul.

Will your eyes peer upon me forever?

Your perception is deep
And resonates deeply within me.

Look into my eyes now

Look into my eyes again

We will look into each others' eyes forever.


Posted on 01/12/2010
Copyright © 2024 Michael Defries

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