Stuck In A Room by Michael DefriesI'll give it back after your commercial
That is some liquid coke
That stuff is givin' me a boost
A lot of tapes in the case
And a CD blasting
Manson into my bleeding ear
High treble sounds fluctuating
My ear drums
At decibels rarely achieved without
My Roger's Sound Lab
Five foot high sound dispenser
Angry voices of death make way
Into your dark cave
While army of ants crawl the
Endless void space of the slatted
Wood floor
Boredom the predominant
Entity within the realm of the
Cubicle that is called a room
Much to do the much to do and
Laziness the primary function
Of the above mentioned
If not sure pick "e"
For all of the above
(a)(b) (c) (d) (e)
If a and c
Are the correct answer
Then it must be
Dead end. 08/03/1998 Posted on 01/11/2010 Copyright © 2024 Michael Defries