Depraved 'Til They Reach the Grave by Amie GoldaFamiliar names play familiar tunes
But blank pieces of paper are naught but tree skins
That are soon carried away on the same swift winds
That take finite lives with them to the tombs
And 'til they are naught but dust in sand dunes,
Humanity shall feed on the lust that sates voracious sins
Though they may hope for more, to them gold be all that glints
In the sun and in the Light---which they'll need to 'scape the doom
To find the songs that to them sing,
Fragile beings traverse the Northern Sky and all beyond
Though ne'er have they found in all the world, rest that frees them from Sin's bond
For ne'er shall they be better than creatures, which ever shall depravity sting.
Immortality is something they all strive to reach
But for them, infinity's just too far a breach
01/09/2010 Author's Note: Not exactly a sonnet, just borrowed some principles of sonnet writing. Forms could never contain me.
Posted on 01/09/2010 Copyright © 2025 Amie Golda
Member Comments on this Poem |
Posted by Therese Elaine on 01/16/10 at 04:41 AM The title is brilliant and the writing is wonderful -it does have that sonnet sort of feel and flow but it isn't so rigid and unyielding...I'm glad forms don't contain you -what you create is worth a little rule bending! |
Posted by Clara Mae Gregory on 01/16/10 at 08:11 PM NICE WORK and nice job bending the rules of form poetry!Thanks for sharing this pleasant reading poetry of yours. |