Time Against Our Nature: Evolution Of Consciousness by Michael DefriesQuestion:
Why do I feel like? I'm working against time, Is time against my nature?
It's the struggle to complete the impending tasks of doom at hand. The
daily, the weekly, the monthly. Every single chore of every detail finished!
It's what we struggle to accomplish, it's not that we don't have enough time.
It's that time does not have enough of us, our scurrying through traffic lanes
to rush to stop, to rush to red, to rush to finish.
Close minds to its influence on us. Become dynamic and exist with radiance
not fear.
If we understand time, we can bend it like paper, and make it like dough
besiege this wisdom unto ourselves for our internals don't require relativity.
Our essence exists without time stratospheres and dimension of the linear.
Complex stability allows us to exist in this temporal anomaly. Time is but
a poor realization of rotation and motion. It doesn't represent variables and
account for the singularity relative to each suns gravity. We can only account
for time from the tether but not the anchor, yet our perception is based on
linear mathematics and ideology. When in fact, time is without linear
instruction. Time is absent in the spatial aspect of one-dimensional mechanics.
Time-Space continuum is a convenient idea based in control, to harness your
limited perception based in the program. We defeat this idea once accelerated
Consciousness is achieved and relative transcendence is arrived from within.
This space-time construct is no more than the sum of a glass, full of the water
that it contains. They are independent and separate and maintain their anonymity.
We seek to understand the infinite knowledge of the Universe. Yet, we dismiss
the higher order of things such as consciousness and spirituality. There are
hidden codes within our very own genome of genetic makeup in our DNA.
We activate these codons through acceleration and conscious choosing of this.
We are not limited to the basic program that we are given at birth or through life.
We have the ability to find base information and root functions. Our function is
to evolve and grow as a species. Experience the many very wonderful aspects of
humanity and all that it has to offer. This planet is very specially designed for you.
It is the safe-haven and a free will zone. Those of you who know how to achieve
this must spread this knowledge for it behooves you to share. Information is free
and it is your duty to lead and guide the sleepers to awaken. It is their purpose and
their mission. It is your mission to learn and mentor the followers of light and life.
This planet plays a significant role in humanity. It has not been in the Galactic front
For very long, and since your sun is still warm the planet will provide for a very
long period. This solar system used to be filled with so much activity until most of
the ancient civilizations moved around from planet to planet. Chaos has ensued and
so that is but a long and forgotten history. The caretakers of this region have abandoned
it so that is why it is desolate. The planet bodies remain in motion yet they are lifeless.
Once inhabited they blossomed with fruitful ways and beings of peace and enlightenment.
That was long ago. But now you have this opportunity to not repeat any of the mistakes
of the past. It is in your souls to know and do what you need to in order to bring this
planet ready for the council. There will be a judgment but it will not be by God.
We are all the caretakers but we are also the responsible ones. We are responsible for
managing and maintaining successive progressions in society. As well, we are forced
to impose martial status on the human race in terms of growth and ascension protocol.
There will be a new surge in the planets core, this electromagnetic energy will be felt
by all once the shift has occurred. This will also reset any interference and control devices,
any radio frequency emitters, any laser beacons, any quantum interference will be
annihilated. This is for the betterment of the humankind. There has been temporal
interference and conspiracy control as well. This is low level frequency which the
program cannot exist once the new energy is activated. Global resurgence of harmony
will illuminate and synergise global consciousness and grow and affect through the
collective as well as morphology waves of instruction on complete genetic unfolding.
The time is now in your period of existence to transition through to the next phase of
humanity. This phase is the age of enlightenment. This will complete your mission but
we will be constantly disseminating information to those who will listen to it. Those
who will discover it and share it. There will be periods of transformation and your physical
will change as well. Be prepared for this. You brains are becoming as they are awakening
to utilize the access and storage capabilities. Entire libraries of knowledge will now be
available to you. We will share access to libraries of information from near by systems
and your collective will assimilate this extra-dimensional information.
It will also make available your information for the collective. This will be transmitted
to the higher source. It will be used to furnish you with what you need in this time of now.
Remember you are not within the confines of time itself. Your nature exists beyond it so
begin to master this. It is what we require and until then keep disseminating information.
Be conscious, think consciously make solid actions and solid decisions. Remember
you are the bringers of the light. You are the way-showers the torch-bearers. This is the
request of the council logos galactic overseers, and logos prime. The council of twelve
have approved this transfer to here you are quickened and called to action and service.
It is hope and the future so live now. Reach enlightenment. Enjoy your journey! 01/03/2010 Posted on 01/03/2010 Copyright © 2024 Michael Defries