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What The Gods Want To Do With Us

by Michael Defries

The Gods themselves never knew what to do with us
They hid us from each others reach to be forgotten like
Old. Placed us away into the canopy of realities dream
This illusion that is our existence

In moments of death and birth we felt each other
In The tiny pauses that were our entire lives
We knew each others names before being born into
here, in this place, but we were not ripe then

The Gods Ganesh and Shiva, and all the Archangels
The Creator Gods and Goddesses, and the Demi-Gods
The Illusion weavers, and the web of the loom
Wove into our Universe this sleep

The Buddhas watched but laughed at them silently
Still and in the void there was some empty beyond
It's expanse, how could they punish us like some
Disobedient school children, for we were them

It was not our freedoms they took away but our ability
to love, to contemplate just how to look into each one
Face to face and say that love cannot be dissolved like
Some smile or a played note. It wont forget us we say.

But they don't seem to listen. They are like the blind
Parents who see us for their own mistakes and not for
Who we are and have always been. Trumpets resound
In the Great Halls of Angels and Kings as we play.

They don't seem to like this though as if we infringe
On their sacred, perhaps love will worship us instead.
Love chooses us, and these overseers of dominions and
Vast territories are soon forgotten relics in this new

Era, Love will rule all and the Gods themselves will
Fall. Love seems to be held in a place that does not
Wax or wane. It lives beyond the scope of their power
Love rules all in the house of our decision. So be it.


Posted on 12/30/2009
Copyright © 2024 Michael Defries

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