Sitting With Silence by Michael DefriesSilence is the absence of language.
Language is the words from the mind
And the mind is illusion.
Only Silence is truth.
In silence one can be still with God.
In silence all that is, came before
and came after.
Only verse destroys that harmony.
Verse is that which brings chaos to order
And perception is then destroyed.
Silence is stillness
In that silence one can understand God
As though they themselves were God.
One reason for this is the illusion
of knowledge.
One cannot truly know
What it is to sit in silence with God.
This is because
God is in all things In all places
In all that motion God exists.
In that commotion
God becomes movement
Thus silence is created
Through harmony of opposites
All things revolve around God
But not all things God revolves around.
God is but an observer
Participating and observing
That which is already in set to movement.
And that is why we understand silence
As a place of philosophical
Deconstruction of truth.
Silence is that which is stillness,
And is present only in that
Which is no longer a creation
Of universes or places.
No longer a God-likeness creating
But a God likeness
Sitting in meditation
Before the beginning
Of movement
The absolution
Of movement
The opposite
Of stillness
Silence. 12/01/2007 Author's Note: Something I wrote after pondering a specific type of Gnosticism. Although, I don't remember which area of it it originated from.
In 1995, or so, I was consumed with Zen and meditating on mindfullness. There are silent and still moments that transmit awareness and information. This is the whole part about direct transmission and that that is enlightenment, or the process of reaching truth.
I suppose it all correlates to the whole silence bit. Although, this writing did come out of a vision after reading about something in Gnosticism. Relating to knowing GOD and having to sit in silence in order to achieve this. Or rather that the silence is GOD...
I don't really remember but it's what I could come up with. Thanks for reading.
Posted on 12/28/2009 Copyright © 2024 Michael Defries