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Goddess Watches Down From Above

by Michael Defries

I have been protecting
you all along.

I have watched you
for many a moon.

I found you one night
on the bare forest floor.

You were naked
wrapped in loincloth.

I washed you
and kept you warm.

I brushed your hair
and skimmed your skin
with my light.

I made you stand,
And I made you hunt,
And I made you man.

I found you,
I named you,
And I brought you home
To follow me there.

I placed in your grasp
a chalice
to drink from.

I gave you freedom
to feel my breast

To take my bosom
in your mouth.

I fed you the life
within my veins.

I brought you to
another place,
I brought you home.

Where is home
and where
is the place you began.

Where is the time
when we ran in the fields.

Where is the known
of our kin.

Where is the spirit
in which we were born
from, of and in.

We existed then
and now.

And now and again.

It is a journey
But we will find
our place again.

We are here
and free,
and free,

we are free,
what bounds,
what boundaries
contain us,

what keeps us
from becoming great

from becoming great
and from being
and being great.

We find, in faith,
that we are blinded
by external
and what we
should really
be listening to
is the heart.

It is the place
where we know
not time
not imagination
not civilization
but a wonderful
of purity and grace.

One, which, allows us
to find grace
and exist in it purely.

We find grace
and share our nature
and share our nature.

Is it our nature
or is it the mothers’
the mother
the Great Goddess,

She speaks her name
unto the world
for us to hear
it’s harmonious voice

into the electricity
of the wilderness
the uniting
of the holy trinity
is the balance
of light
and dark
and center.

Some place
in between
some realities
that don’t
need circumstance
or experience
or romance
or hate
or fear
or love.

Some place
it is sound
and vibration
of consciousness
and energy.

We enlighten those
who deserve to be
there with us,
and help create
and foster
the new era of dominion
and calling to that
of which
is the bright sun
in the sky.

The channel
of the message
being played
over and over again

I broadcast it
loud and clear
to all
who will listen

I will resound
and reverberate
as I expound
the sutras of wisdom
that are heard
amongst all
that are Follower

and Listeners
and Enlightened Ones
and Earth Creatures
and The Sea
and The Greek Gods
and Goddesses
and the ones

we call by name
and the ones
we don’t
call by any name

but the wind
and the storms
of clouds of mountains
and life of water.

I will forever
bring some form
or another
the life breathe
of eternity
to the earth and
to the spirit.

The spirit must
be revived
and your soul
must continue
on to the next
place so that
I don’t find you
on the forest
floor again.

I put you there and
I will bring you
back again
in the end

when it is all

I will put you back
in my bosom and keep
you in my embrace
and you will become
like me.

You will become
like me as you

will become
like a God
or a Goddess.


Posted on 12/27/2009
Copyright © 2024 Michael Defries

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