
We Have Been

by Ryan Nardi

If we cannot go back again
and see the trails and trees,
and if we cannot get us lost
and look for water heard rushing
behind bullrushes
and cat-tails seven-feet tall,
it will not break my heart
because we have been,
and I remember:
You and I were there.

If we never stand again
on that mountain top,
mere hill, the highest
either of us had ever seen,
and speak about the endless green we see...
we saw...
and how the world could never end,
be wasted, the way we see it now...
it would not break my heart
because we have been.

If we never walked or stood
on a mountain top or in the woods,
then my heart might bend and fracture
if in spite should we meet disaster.

But we have been together to those places,
felt the sun upon our faces,
felt the shade and the blood in our hands,
felt our weight press into the sand.

We have been, shall be, and are--
and because of You nothing can break my heart.


Posted on 12/24/2009
Copyright © 2024 Ryan Nardi

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