Day of Songs by Timothy SomersKa-thump in my head,
Sing-song in my soul,
Chanting chanteys
with every step towards Evensong.
Camptown Do-Da in my brain,
Vespers,[pause] Vespers.
Yo ho ho, hee hee hee,
little brown nipple,
run and flee.
Foot-tap, mind-rap
cachunka choo, cachunka choo
Fiddle-de-dee and I love you,
and nakedness.
Schizoid voices joined in song,
difficult to sing along,
in crowds of clouds out loud.
Elevators add a whir,
Do-da, [pause] Do-da.
Conversations whirl a blur,
crowfoot, [thump] crowfoot.
Sci-fi people gather ‘round,
R2, [pause] D2.
Maybe they will hear the sound,
All the Live Long Day.
The grand old duke of the ark,
he had ten thousand men,
he marched them up to the top of the hill,
and he marched them down again
And again and again and again…
12/03/2009 Posted on 12/04/2009 Copyright © 2025 Timothy Somers
Member Comments on this Poem |
Posted by V. Blake on 12/04/09 at 05:40 AM I was in love with this from the first four lines. The rest of it was just as much fun to read. This is about as musical as a poem can be, and I applaud you for it. |
Posted by Charlie Morgan on 12/05/09 at 08:48 PM ...tim, you've written some stuff that's bordered on cute/cool/heavy/hip all in one soooo this one is from the other side of the fence, which i am still making the noise in my head, this is some cool/well thought out/sculptured pome...never heard those sounds like that before, will now. my tam's off to ya' |