

by Roger J Kenyon

Ebon trees on an ochre tableau
Topped by darkening velvet
A veldt mosiac cast across the Atlantic
To adorn a shoreline of beauty
That cannot be shackled by time
And space
As it transcends all futile attempts
To alter
Thus having its own set of values
By casting a spell
On those not blinded
By the dimness of convention.


Author's Note: I was coming home on evening... .

Posted on 11/17/2009
Copyright © 2024 Roger J Kenyon

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by George Hoerner on 11/17/09 at 12:41 PM

Nice write Roger. It is amazing how the human mind can respond to the landscape when not encumbered by all those daily distractions that seem to hound us.

Posted by Kathleen Wilson on 11/21/09 at 04:55 PM

A vision clearly inspired by a transcendent moment's view, and a long gaze. Then captured with original wording, as such an experience has a wordlessness, one must search. I love "ebon" had not seen that adjective (of ebony) such a strong descriptive start. Also the "veldt mosaic" (I looked up veldt, and the contrast of dry and watery landscapes overlaid is beautiful. The leap from the scene to the extraordinary (this) versus ordinary experience (conventional) expands the poem to a deep breath even beyond the natural.

Posted by Clara Mae Gregory on 01/16/10 at 07:50 PM

This is just beautiful, Roger. How on earth did I manage to miss this? (so much flows through I guess that is why--I can't keep up with it all)Anyway, I am glad you visited my library which in turn, drew me to yours. I am looking forward to reading more. I like what I see so far!

Posted by A. Paige White on 02/17/10 at 06:30 PM

I love how you captured both a darkening evening and the muted colors vibrantly with painstaking word choices. Now I'm off to look up veldt myself. ;-}

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