Breaking by Tota LongmireMy skin’s too tight
There isn’t any room
Breathe air in to live right?
But where’s it supposed to go
When my skin is on too tight?
Cut some holes, let it through
The light is way too painfully bright
There’s no room for it behind my eyes
Cut them out and let the light fill the holes
Shred my skin so my heart has room to bleed
Emo or just hurting? Who’s to tell who’s to care?
Pull out my teeth one by one, cut my tongue free
So the words can just flow out of me, words of all
The hurt, all the pain, all of what’s bottled up in me.
Blinders on the lot of you, you can’t see what it is you do.
Love is just torture; pain is just bliss you don’t care on who you piss.
Stupid rhymes that will fill the time until nothing else can go inside of me,
Then I will make some room, make some noise, explode! and paint the floor! 09/27/2009 Posted on 09/27/2009 Copyright © 2025 Tota Longmire