
tarach tarocco dyscrasia

by Richard Paez

tarach tarocco dyscrasia
Intrapersonal Communique ::: split|mind:alchemical)
[peace in prepositions]

Morning's insurrection,
nausea's wet fires
to dry sweat from these blankets
to brand these septic moments:
     Who have we become?
     And where do we run?

Who do we become,
     when sleepless nights
          follow sleepless nights?
What thoughts do we think
     in sacrum apogee –
          and what thoughts think us?

How much sleep did you lose
before you lost yourself?

My Spouse, my shepherd:
     How many sheep did you corral
     before you fenced me out?

{It sits still inside me:
Everything –
liquid, stone,
sky and fire –
     phlegm and blood and bile –
new transmutations
     old organs
          to digest
          this day}

And where do we run,
     when empty days
          follow empty days?
What words do we speak
     in the stretching dawn –
          and what words speak us?

How much did you say
before your voice overtook you?

My Priest, my poet:
     How many recitals did you give
     before you lost me in the crowd?

{It still sits inside me:
Everything –
liquid, stone,
sky and fire –
     phlegm and blood and bile –
old transmutations
     new organs
          to digest
          this day}

Morning's insurrection,
stomach's failed emetic
base organ's dumb attempt
to purge higher-order problems:
     Who have we become
     and where the fuck do we run?

{It sits, still inside me:
Everything –
liquid, stone,
sky and fire –
     phlegm and blood and bile –

(What dreams do we dream –

          and what dreams dream of us?)

It sits, envelops me:
four humors fence me in –
liver, bladder,
spleen and lungs –
     old mutations
          forming new ways
               to digest
               this day}

                I find peace



Author's Note: --- --- --- sacrum: Late Latin, sacred apogee: the point in the orbit of a heavenly body at which it is farthest from the earth; the highest or most distant point; climax. emetic: causing vomiting, as a medicinal substance. tarach: Arabic "reject"; possible source for English word "Tarot." tarocco: Italian derived from tara: "devaluation of a merchandise” and “deduction, the act of deducting"; another possible source for English word "Tarot." dyscrasia: ancient Greek, "bad mixture" [specifically an imbalance of the 4 humors]. Intrapersonal [communication]: pathological talking to ones self. Communique: an official bulletin or communication, usually to the press or public. splitmind: schizophrenia. alchemy: attempt to transmute base elements into noble ones (Western/European); attempt to achieve immortality by brewing and consuming the right combination of poisons (Eastern/Chinese) tarach tarocco dyscrasia : “reject the devaluation of the imbalance” Intrapersonal Communique : “the one that is many talking uncontrollably to the many that is one” splitmind:alchemy : “distilling discordance to its highest form / transmuting the fractured self into an immortal harmony”

Posted on 09/18/2009
Copyright © 2024 Richard Paez

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Rachelle Howe on 09/21/09 at 06:28 PM

My Spouse, my shepherd: How many sheep did you corral before you fenced me out?
not even the best lines, the whole thing makes me want to chew on and on but that was the first slap that made me take notice. GIGGITY! And returning.

Posted by George Hoerner on 02/02/10 at 09:51 PM

I really like this piece. But I must say it all feels like "original sin" to me. And I'm never quite sure is I believe in it or not. Because of course 'where to run from him or ouselves'? Because, of course, it is we who chase ourselves.

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