

by Richard Vince

She is made of contrasts:
Trendy, youthful hair frames
A cynical, middle aged face,
While her conservative, covering
Top jars with her skirt
Woven from purest summer.

She looks more like a
Jaded teacher than the
Hairdresser she is. I wonder
What she says when she talks off
The newly exposed ears
Of her customers?

Old or young, or somewhere
In between, it all seems
To be about trying to
Resurrect a past that existed
Only in the imaginations of
Those who wish they were

I hope her dainty feet are
Planted firmly in the
Present, and that she lives
Like the young woman she is.


Posted on 08/04/2009
Copyright © 2024 Richard Vince

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Charlie Morgan on 08/05/09 at 01:16 PM

...a delightful, full pic of a woman, who happens to be a hairdresser, yet we are complicated simplicities[the human being]...and the imagination thingee, well placed[sandwiched], Napeleon said, 'imagination rules the world'... 100 yrs. later Einstein said, 'imagination IS the world'...a momentous snapshot of a human being, being...great write richard.

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