Lucidity by Malika BiersteinSome have an aversion to black
and white, but I prefer its starkness
to shades of gray, vague shadows
of complacency pushing me
away. At least in such colorless
terms your eyes can focus
on what is real. I’ve lived
so long void of color
I’ve forgotten how it feels.
There once was a man whose hands
could ignite the wick beneath my skin,
but these days I couldn’t pick him
out of a lineup if I tried. Now
I spend my days navigating through
a stale haze and slumber
starved nights craving fire.
Our conversation drones on
like an old sitcom, the words
lackluster and familiar, predictable
in their delivery. I can close my eyes
and almost feel the spark, crimson
embers of a life flailing in all directions,
contradiction to the thin veil
of ashes that surround us now.
I want to hold on but don’t know
which thread to grasp, hesitate
for fear of the wrong one
unraveling us completely.
07/29/2009 Posted on 07/29/2009 Copyright © 2025 Malika Bierstein
Member Comments on this Poem |
Posted by Michael Smith on 07/29/09 at 03:15 PM A familiar feeling to me.
This poem has excellent flow and imagery and can really capture a reader. I really enjoyed: "ignite the wick beneath my skin". Well done, Malika. |
Posted by Joe Cramer on 07/29/09 at 07:53 PM ... exceptionally well done! (I could not rate it high enough!) My vote for POTD!!! |
Posted by James Zealy on 07/31/09 at 03:04 PM Need and comfort, two very different sensory events. Sometimes we mistake passion for love and predicatabilty for comfort. There cannot always be fireworks n'est ce pas? |