
Drinking in Spring

by Christopher Shin

Dig further down
the ocean bares
no secret of the
foul soul.

Splash as red and
souls burn the
sullen sky above.
Drink the amber
and dine with essence
that brings me down.

Paint the skin and
blackness inks the
very image of my

Beat with a sudden
drum with the heart
long gone but you remain
the same.

Kiss me twice and
let me fall as
I sacrifice the ages
that will come.
Suddenly but briefly
we explode into one.

Because in it all
you are in my mind
and imagination
is all that springs
like autumn flowers


Posted on 04/20/2009
Copyright © 2024 Christopher Shin

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Gabriel Ricard on 04/20/09 at 12:16 PM

There's a lot of really sharp images in this, man. I like the way you seem to be keeping things simple here. You don't go overboard on the imagery, and that's definitely a good thing here. Nice work.

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