Mind State III. by Richard FishAll I want is to be picked up,
But first I've got to fall.
And yet I can't afford to.
So I need someone to catch me
Before I fall,
Before I fail.
But I can already feel myself slipping,
I've lost my balance now and I can see over the edge.
What am I supposed to do?
I'm too proud to cry out,
And every time I try to
It just comes out like I'm making conversation.
I don't want to be told it's going to be okay.
I just want it to be okay.
I just want to be through it.
I want to see the end now.
But I know I won't get there unless I accept
I'm not there already. 04/19/2009 Author's Note: This was created in quite a free, stream of consciousness style, hence the lack of proper structure, but I feel it expressed what I wanted in ways I might not otherwise have hit upon.
Posted on 04/19/2009 Copyright © 2025 Richard Fish