the body plays with differing states of geometry by Kelly Jensen1. the plane is the ground
we used to lie down desert sands
with bourbon colored strokes against moroccan
flavors belligerently echoing
pillow-grazed grimaces
element platinum simplicities
april-wet our heads, darkened hair
strewn sideways, effortlessly paved
like pinned q's
pinafore cocktails dressed beside
beach tide umbrellas opening vistas broken
by salamander crashes.
ii. parallel intersections
knots untie themselves when they lie beside the ocean
the smell of clover grazes a palate
hydraulic conversations slip comprehension
trace satellite-strung metallics
spooned carbonation
sycamores beckon like plumes
plump plums razed under elm bark
oxidize incessantly
iii. proof
silt slips like cars
wet pavement collides / rocky rubber
slumbering azaleas sketch a road
fine marshes gorged in hiccupped gold
& sterile smell of hickory
a milky air drains no epiphany
03/31/2009 Author's Note: This one's older, 2004/2005. I wrote a lot about math back then.
Posted on 03/31/2009 Copyright © 2025 Kelly Jensen