honey bees make it look easy by Olivia Weinkeinthey mistake your skin for porcelain
break your back against the wall,
china doll
& who scared you
when volcanoes sing you to sleep at
it was never about the symphony of crickets
holding hands with the god's honest truth
that as long as you are asleep
you are never truly alone
& before each new day, you say before
each new day things will change, things
will be different
but you start out just the same, putting
everything into your mouth and falling into
habit, your hands tied to "personal demons"
because it's safer that way, but what if
and what if falls short of bent knees and a
failure to see yourself clearly when you look
in the mirror always wishing you were taller
or the room, a little shorter
all these imperfections buzzing but no honey to
be had
03/29/2009 Posted on 03/29/2009 Copyright © 2025 Olivia Weinkein