A definition of I as it is written in 10 pages; page 4 by Vere Mantratriadmost things merely scratch the surface
no matter how deep they proclaim
themselves to be; mud always collects
caked over the top and never fully
washes away but perfection is a myth
and surface beauty does not always
come in the form of shine and flaws
are often the only way to prove life.
resolve is such a flaw, as it is most
times unquestioning and based on
little truth; as belief has little to do
with fact and more to do with gut.
honesty is such a flaw; as it is not
discriminatory and nearly always
damages no matter what intent
may or may not lie behind it.
passion is such a flaw; as it is meant
to be unbending and therefore
ignores all reason and holds its merit
in that which remains to be seen.
desire is such a flaw; as it is hopeless,
aspiring to a want rather than need;
as few necessities are integral parts
of what nourishes the eternal ego.
clarity is such a flaw; as it is one of
the greatest damagers to psyche;
to see things for what they truly are
instead of what we wish them to be.
peace is such a flaw; as it is only
ever achieved in the midst of chaos
and as such is vastly a trick of the
mind convincing itself otherwise.
a multitude of flaws, whether on
the surface or beneath are all we
ever are made up of. it is only upon
realization of this that there is
ever any room to grow, learn
and ultimately move on to
scratching just a little bit deeper
to find the flaws inside of the flaws. 03/20/2009 Posted on 03/21/2009 Copyright © 2025 Vere Mantratriad