
Balances, Where are They?

by Alisa Js

how do you explain
how some find the gold,
everything they touch becomes bright
maybe brighter than the sun,
skipping through time, full of smiles
everyone's happy with this kind of life ...

and then, there are those
can't get a handle, it seems
on what works,
one step forward, ten steps slide
slipping backward, losing hope
they're a wreck.
emotionally, financially and physically speaking
as one affects the other
and they're down,
heading towards bitter
in this fight of their lives

where is the balance
we all hear of?
how does it end
when we keep beating our heads
against that barrier that won't give
against all odds,
against this tide
of the ebb and flow
we call life,
tell me!
I don't understand
can't comprehend
this madness
this journey,
this life ...


Posted on 03/12/2009
Copyright © 2024 Alisa Js

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Anita Mac on 03/13/09 at 04:44 AM

I wish our understanding it mattered. Nice write, definitely feel it.

Posted by Charlie Morgan on 03/13/09 at 02:38 PM

...alisaJs, m'lady this is stout, just this a.m. i drove by a Homeless shelter and i saw some of the downtrodden of which you speak...my heart drops everytime...i saw a woman pushing a baby carriage [appearingly from said shelter] and gawsh i hurt more...so i was primed for this wonderfully soul-searching work...good question, perhaps Heaven is the balance, eh? did you ever read Revelation,a short story by Flannery O'connor?...it speaks to a "balancing"...great poetic piece alisaJs

Posted by Steve Baba on 03/14/09 at 08:20 AM

Great emotion evoked here. Excellent wqrite Alisa...

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