icecream ashtray by Kelly Jensen1.
orange eclectic sublimity:
eighteen festering swans, craning their necks,
water-logged bodies foreign to oil,
to sweet saccharine mechanics & contraption
the middle west embraces the field sashimi
her belle in festive tulle swirls electric
paper cranes
in receding waters,
the movement echos soliloquy
pantomime, syncopated
soft flutter of iridescent chaos
seven whispers, chalk & powder
dissolve to milky parchment
egg shell evenings in heat:
beneath strung beads of flashbulb shutterings,
sinewy recollection/flattered cognition. our
banister legs modeling penniless singularity,
baking molds in perpetual grasswet somersaults.
gleaning from the scene, black boxed,
scat & back-laced gluttony -- haphazard yield in akimbo.
limestone homes with embers emitted
in addendum distanced, reckless despondence
bated moments
between solipsism & synergy
strappy black heels steadily release
a boisterous energy rhytmatically
enveloping dust-clad linoleum.
Saturday evenings listen
as jesus plays xylophone with knocking knees
hambones clanking irreconcilably
vibrations aching in rear-view mirrors
collapsing & corrugating
in umbrella-like motions
framing the rain
splotched irrigation turned dour
soft unraveling, seams enduring
clatter dirt, soft, redding
she could never craft something so beautiful 01/01/2007 Posted on 03/05/2009 Copyright © 2025 Kelly Jensen