ruraled urban melody: in 2 parts by Kelly JensenI.
dried o of a honeyed mouth
in looped lettering motions
swerved unreason
dripped quarter note half note
plagued melancholy &
strung surface, glossed
a silhouetted stranger
midnight wrens swell
melted skylines – blushed browns
pricked thimbles
sliced sails, belabored bays
carmelstick finger attachment
to an unknown
knocking brassy chimes
cheap boxed wines
lingering inebriations
shoelaces / retreats
busted rails
rusty nails
reflections inside(out)
mellowed goldfish bowl glow
beckons like an autumn’s hymn
lucrative mechanics
scattered glass like broken bones
embers etched
elements persistent
a neon bow
her hydrogen dances
springtime elegies
only the narcissus navigates 01/01/2005 Posted on 03/02/2009 Copyright © 2025 Kelly Jensen