

by Amanda J Cobb

I want a place inviolate,

where I can lounge in solitary quietude
or dance naked in the hall at whim,
free to keep strange hours or stranger company.

A place where I can color the walls with my quirks,
create an ever-changing puzzle of my own designing.

I want a place of sanctuary
and belonging,
of cozy bliss.

Above all, I want to share it, eventually,
belonging to you as much as we belong to it,
your face a solid cornerstone
to the sanctity of its walls,

And your arms around me a bastion against the dark,
my dreams secure
with that soft breath against my neck.

I wish I was there.
I wish you were here.

I wish I knew who you were.


Author's Note: Written after visiting a dozen different apartment complexes in my search for a new place, and contemplating what makes a home feel like a home instead of just the place you live.

Posted on 02/17/2009
Copyright © 2025 Amanda J Cobb

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by H.M Stevens on 02/17/09 at 07:28 AM

I adore this piece. I think the poem captures that longing for a sense of home and an unfolding life. It raises the question: can there be a place to inviolate? And as the poem moves from a person trying to find a place to inviolate to wanting to share it with another; it hits on an important theme of love (loving yourself first, before you are able to love another). How much do we ever really have a home, or a sense within ourselves that is home? And is the measure of this, the measure of how much we can love? Thanks for writing!

Posted by Gabriel Ricard on 02/17/09 at 03:09 PM

A lot of questions running through this thing, and I like that you know that some of them may not be answered in full for quite some time. This is great work.

Posted by Dane Campbell on 09/18/12 at 04:04 AM

This work speaks to my own plight.

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