

by Richard Vince

I wish I could paint a picture
Of her, to show her how
Beautiful she is.

But I am a man of words,
So I will continue with my
Futile quest to write
Something that will
Do her justice.

There have been many
Attempts already, and I foresee
A great many more as
Months become years.

All will inevitably yield
The same result: for how
Can sufficient words
Possibly exist?

The closest I can come
To describing her is
To say I cannot.


Posted on 02/12/2009
Copyright © 2024 Richard Vince

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Gabriel Ricard on 02/12/09 at 02:35 AM

Futility indeed. That last stanza sums it up nicely.

Posted by Alison McKenzie on 02/17/09 at 10:16 PM

Oh, but I do hope you continue to try. What comes of it is such breathtaking beauty! *sigh*

Posted by Laura Doom on 03/23/09 at 03:42 PM

A piece not anchored to a location or an event? Such is the nature of beauty I guess -- beyond place and time.
A classic example to illustrate the impotence of words :)

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